Website design

Website design by Avid Creative Dorset

Beautiful website design in Dorset

  • Keyword and competitor research
  • Build prototype/wireframe
  • Graphic design/look and feel
  • Write content and populate
  • Optimise for search engines
  • Test and launch

We design responsive, bespoke websites for businesses looking to grow, challenge new markets, launch new products or services, build their brand profile and generate more leads. Lying at the heart of your online marketing, your website is very often the first point of contact that a prospect will have with your company so you need to make sure your website design is tuned up to do business. Based in Weymouth, Dorset, we work with local businesses as well as companies across the UK.

It’s all in the planning

Our experience of the website design industry since the mid 90s means we’ve seen, and been part of, many trends that have come and gone. In fact we may even have the t-shirt. But effective bespoke websites always come down to one thing: careful planning. Planning the content, planning the structure and planning the design.

Once we have a clear grasp of your business issues and objectives, your audience and your competitors, we’ll create a plan to design and build your website. These days everyone turns to search engines to find potential suppliers, services and products so your website needs to be ready to do business.

The design of your website or the ‘look and feel’ is what captures your audience but it also has to account for usability. And in today’s mobile world it’s more important than ever. We design responsive bespoke websites so that your business is easy to access and navigate on a multitude of devices – smartphones and tablets as well as laptops and desktops.